A multidisciplinary view on informal learning

Diapositivas del seminario que ofrecí la semana pasada en el programa doctoral del IN3 (en inglés).

Slides of the Doctoral Programme Research Seminar. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), Barcelona, 23 February 2011.
Informal learning (IL) can be defined as any activity resulting in an improvement of understanding, knowledge or skills which occurs outside the curricula of educational institutions and programs. The interest in this kind of learning is based on both economic and social reasons, since it is understood to foster competitiveness as well as social cohesion and personal well-being. This wide interest has caused IL to have a place in quite diverse research fields, such as management, social inclusion, work, urban, or gender studies, although educational science keeps its role as necessary input in such research.
This seminar is aimed to provide the assistants with some understanding of what IL is, and why it might be relevant for research in fields other than educational science, in general, and management studies in particular.


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